Top 5 Techniques For Effective And Safe Food Packaging

Top 5 Techniques For Effective And Safe Food Packaging

Implementing food safety practices that meet appropriate legal, safety and quality requirements is crucial for food manufacturing companies.

Packaging is a preliminary step that safeguards the quality of manufactured food products through the supply chain. Proper packaging ensures that contaminants stay away from food, and the quality of food inside is extended.

Here are the top five techniques for ensuring that food is safe and packaged effectively.

Preventing human error

Human error is a detrimental factor in the food packaging process.

The great news is that there are several considerations that can be undertaken to ensure employees are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge of personal hygiene, washing and equipment sanitization. 

One of the most effective ways to ensure safety standards are achieved in food packaging is through awareness training. As a business, when you attend the relevant training courses pertaining to safety and hygiene practices - the knowledge and awareness you gain about various food safety topics will help you move forward as an F&B business. For instance, educating yourself on topics about protective clothing and equipment, food poisoning, hygiene, illnesses, food safety responsibilities, and contamination.

This even extends up to your choice of food packaging so you’ll know which is ideal for your business. 

Excel in the supply chain management process 

The transition of food from the packaging industry to consumers requires a certain level of knowledge on food safety risks associated with movement through the supply chain.

The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) provides criteria for ideal food manufacturing practices associated with packaging. These include reviewing policies and ensuring that suppliers adhere to safety practices.

Various companies require their supplies to have the GFSI certification, which highlights the importance of food safety with regards to the integrity of packaging materials.

This ensures that food is properly stored from its production point to consumption.

Selecting the right packaging 

The materials used to make the packaging also plays a role in its safety standard. A good option would be to choose a plastic container supplier that uses Polyethene terephthalate (PET).

This strong material is practically unbreakable and will not fracture during the manufacturing process. PET is also shown to have a high gas barrier resistance which prevents oxygen from entering and carbon dioxide from leaving. This ensures that your food remains safe and fresh when you consume it.

Viewing packaging specifications 

Food packaging safety includes packaging specifications of elements like plastic, foils, glass, paper, fibre and recycled items.

From biodegradable takeaway food containers to laminate films, food packaging should have information related to the chemical makeup of the packaging materials. 

These specifications ensure that the packaging materials are compliant with regulatory standards and suitable for food storage.

Taking shelf life into consideration

Packaging for practical shelf life is a consideration that most companies are putting in place to ensure consumers are confident of a longer expiration date.

Since ensuring long shelf life is aimed at reducing food waste, the role of packaging on food protection is critical when combined with other consumer demands like fresh food and safety standards.


Food packaging is an integral part of the food manufacturing supply chain. As such, it is crucial that safe food packaging is treated as a priority in manufacturing consumable goods.